FATE:We are made to believe that god decides our path in life and all the decisons we make are predestined. IF we really beleive in that theory,then what is the use of living. Whatever we decide are all already decided by god.('Pagan')
Dont get me wrong, I do believe in fate and destiny but my intrepetation is slightly different from the others who are content that thier fate in not in their control.
My Intrepetation: I believe that god sets the path for us AND he gave us the gift of freewill to decide the direction of the path he sets for us. I hate it when people blame their fate if something went wrong for them. Let us think and reflect: If god decides our fate,then why would he create the human race and let us become zombies with no power to decide the direction of our path?
I hope this entry would not offend anyone and the reason for me writing this entry is because i'm trying my best to be a concious muslim.
Dont follow a religon because yur ancestors are of that religon,follow a religon because you are the one who read(IQRA) the scriptures of the religon and believe that the religon is the complete way of life for yu.
Da Stallion
The reason why i have been single for a long time is due to my indecisiveness which i'm myself is confused about it. I've been enjoying my single life too much that I fear if get into a relationship and get commited, I would lose the freedom to do anything I desire.
At the same time, I do want to be in a relationship as I have everything in my life: stable family,great bunch of friends, involvement in sports,following a comprehensive way of life EXCEPT having an other-half to share my life with.
I've been at stage of my life where I could have easily been in a relationship but I analysed things in very great detail and decided that being single is the best thing to do.
I really need to loosen up and just go for the plunge,I'm really2 tired of thinking too much and it's time not to be different,it's time for commonality.
Da Stallion
Emptiness is killing me,its saving me from society's ills,it gives me a new perspective,it defines vast remote spaces,it gives me an oppurtunity for placing additions in my system,the worst sentiments,loving-hating a person,empty vessels.
Da Stallion
I did my friday prayers at Chulia Mosque in Chinatown. It's the first mosque to be built by indian-muslims traders(Chulia Brothers) In Singapore. This is my first time being in the mosque which sermons are conducted in the tamil dialect. I've always love the fact that in any mosque in this earth of ours,there's no segregation of colour. The muslim brotherhood is unique factor in islam which distinguishes itself from other religons. I'm maybe biased since i'm a muslim but in which religous place could you see different races/colour submitting/praying to the oneness of god?
Da Stallion
The complexity of the female mind. They are sensitive creatures who make decisions with their heart rather than their head. Dont get me wrong,i'm a feminist and males have their shortcomings too. There are pros and cons among the female and male gender. Males tend to be chauvinistic and egoistic while females tend to be oversensitive and fickle. Generally,males could have sex with females without loving them whereas females would only do it with their love ones. Genetically designed or socially engineered? Very Subjective and alot of stereotypes................................
Da Stallion
Play fire with fire.......I doubt so as i've been trying my best to live the islamic way of life. Pride? People have the right to be proud about certain things but that does'nt mean they are arrogant. The people that judges other people would base their judgements on their perceptions about the characters and personalities of others. Some would understand and choose not to understand the context of the insights of people and would rather give judgements without really asking or knowing what the person really meant with his/her insights.
Da Stallion
My Happy People
Da Stallion
The above-mention words, shapes or identifies one's profile in society.
It plays a huge role in the perceptive minds of people: stereotyping,prejudicing,judgement,employment,standing,etc.
Ethinicity: My paternal grandfather who was a religous teacher came from the java islands. He married my javanese-singaporean paternal grandmother(which is his eigth wife). My maternal grandfather who was a businessman came from Sylhet,Bangladash. He married my bengali-singaporean grandmother.
When i tell people that i'm part javanese/part bengali,they would tend to think that my mum is a sikh. There is a difference between bengalis and punjabis: Punjabis are from the punjab region, north-west of india and bengalis are from the bengal region, east of india.
My parents are both born and bred in this country of ours and have been integrated in the malay-muslim community. Majority of muslims in Singapore are malays and mostly non-malay muslims have adopted malay as their dialect.
Identity: I see myself as Javanese/Sylhetii Bengali living in a malay-muslim community. I'm proud of my origins yet humble by the simple fact that no one is superior than the other but his/her deeds to god.
Da Stallion
Hey guys,i've got a new blogskin designed by my good friend, Azlina.
Personal: I woke up late at 1+ today and i'm usually late for work. The reason why I woke up late was due to me watching the champions league match between Man U and AC Milan which Man U played very badly. Work was routine and mundane.I believe my national service is just a way for me to really think and decide my career path and I've come up with choices of either becoming an air-steward,P.E teacher,insurance agent or a social science scholar.
I've been living a routine life since entering ns and this is how it goes:Weekdays:0800 to 1700(NS),1800-2000(Silat National training).Saturday:1100-1300(tutor),1300-2359(family/free time)
Sunday:0900-1200(soccer),1500-1800(Silat Club Training),1930-2200(Skateboarding).
That's all for today,do checkout for my next entry as i'm gonna write about my ethnicity and my identity in this country of ours.
Da Stallion
wohoooo! this is my first entry and i'm so excited! wohoo.
Da Stallion