My First Modelling Shoot
I was recruited by Padi Bridal & Saloon which Wirdayanti Noor recommended me.

This is Kuriyati,the gal who was my modelling partner for the day. She looks familiar rite? Well she was a contestant on the Anugerah(Malay Singing Show)
My first ever so called 'emo' pose? Shit! Now I'm sure gonna castrate myself.kill me now!

It was a long day posing for photographs and it was an enriching experience.
Enjoy viewing the remaining pictures!

Well there's still one pic which I saved the best for last:
Da Stallion
What should I blog about?
My Life?
My Relationships?
If I write about religon or politics it would seem boring to people like my good friend: Jason Cornelius"I like phone sex with fat minahs" Pareira.
If I write about my life or my relationships,I would feel out of place as I dislike the idea of writing stuff about what other people usually write on their blogs.
I'm still contemplating on whether I should create another blog for entries regarding my daily life and the usual stuff.
Should I?
Labels: I love Fat Minahs.....
Da Stallion
I wonder who might she be?
A stranger who likes to pose for a pic wif me?
An avid photographer?
A person who likes to say 'crazy'?
A 'NAFA' student?
Can someone help me?
Labels: impotent issues of love
Da Stallion
Since i've met that person,stability reckons...............
The foundations in my life streghtened by an avid fine arts photographer.........
Attachment is not troublesome,it binds the missing pieces in one's soul.......
Application of the complete way of life(Abrahamic Submission) to the relationship is vital for stability
Thankful for meeting a person who is intelligent in her own ways
(moving images)
Labels: Stability
Da Stallion